
The daily routine
When your child arrives we would ask you to encourage them to find their own name peg, as this helps them to recognize their own name and gives them confidence.
After children have found their pegs and removed their outside clothing, they come into the playgroup rooms and have free play. The register is taken which encourages the children to answer their name and learn other names. This is a fire safety requirement as well as an attendance record. The children then have free play and small, creative, group activities with adult interaction. There is also time set aside for the older children to have extension play . There are various toys and games available which are rotated daily, dressing up, puzzles, paint, water, sand, books, dough, play shops, house, and make believe. We also have outdoor play which covers all six areas of the Foundation Stage. On returning, the children have a large group activity known as ‘circle time’ which can involve singing, dancing, talking, pretending, playing with musical instruments, listening or dancing to music. After the circle time, we provide them with a snack and drink. (The snack can vary according to the topic we are covering). The children usually sit at a table with each other conversing and joining together socially. The children then get together in small groups and finish off any colouring/sticking etc. We normally end the session with a story and the children then collect their things for home. This is our usual daily routine but because our curriculum is flexible we sometimes change the structure to suit. They are observed by their keyworker and some entries are retained for their folders.
The curriculum
Royston Playgroup has a full range of equipment and toys to meet all children’s needs. Our Long Term curriculum covers all the Early Learning Goals that the government lay down as part of the Foundation Stage. This enables every child the opportunity to have an understanding of various subjects, experiences, and social skills by the time they enter full time education by the age of five. They will be moved through the foundation stage stepping-stones at a pace to suit them, this will be seen in their confidential observations, reviews and information gained and shared by you. The planned curriculum includes the opportunities they need to move on.
There are seven development areas that make up the 'Foundation stage' - Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSE) Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL) Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy(PSRN) , Creative Development (CD) Physical Development(PD), and Knowledge and Understanding of the World(K&UW) (this includes History, Geography, Information Technology and Science). These areas of learning are introduced through play. The children are comfortable, happy and excited when they make new discoveries, count, and play, paint or put on their coats. There is a Parental Information board showing what we will be doing each half term, the areas and aspects of learning we are aiming for and how we hope to achieve it. These are the medium term plans for the group.
If through observations, the keyworkers feel they are not able to meet your child’s individual needs, or it is seen they have a special need, we will inform you. We can then discuss the matter in accordance to our policies, the DfE Code of Practice and other essential governmental guidelines and laws. If it is then decided, mutually that we need more expertise we can discuss and plan the contacts needed. One of the playleaders, along with the SENCO can offer confidential advice and we can work closely with the outside agencies/professionals to continue to meet your child's needs.
Children develop individually and your child will be introduced to new experiences and learning when you and the keyworker/playleader feel they are ready. Children that show exceptional abilities will be introduced to new experiences and will be given extension activities to move them closer to the early learning goals.
Learning about each other
Within our curriculum at Royston Playgroup ALL religions, cultures, and festivals are acknowledged. This helps to show loving, giving, sharing and respect for all people. Equal opportunities are offered regardless of gender, disability, culture, language or religion. Learning about each other helps us to understand feelings, families and respect. We celebrate birthdays (inform playleader do you not wish your child’s birthday acknowledged).
How we treat each other
Disciplinary procedures will be enforced if respect for others is not shown. No verbal abuse, physical aggression or physical discipline will be tolerated by anybody. Calmness is administered to all situations immediately. Confrontation of action is then required and time, then, to reflect and apologise or accept apology.
National Child Protection legalities require the playgroup to inform them if there is any suspicion that abuse is apparent whilst the child is within our care. This will be done.